Week 13: Costal Hazards
Like many others who have not taken a Geology course, I didn't know what a coastal hazard is. Lucky for you, my blog will help you understand this week's topic. Coastal hazards are typically natural events that threaten coastal areas. These events range from hurricanes, storm surges, rising sea levels, and coastal erosion. Due to Cuba's location, most of these events affect them; located in the Atlantic hurricane zone, hurricanes are the most lethal for my country. Climate change is also negatively impacting Cuba; making sea levels rise, decrease in precipitation, and an increase in temperature. If we do not take action to reduce climate change many areas such as Cuba could be negatively impacted in the future. The risk of flooding and erosion only becomes riskier if we take no action against climate change. Cuba has already gone through enough with hurricane season, beginning in June until December. A person living in Cuba states, " I f a lot of buildings collap...