Cuba has experienced several natural disasters throughout its existence. These natural disasters are nothing out of the ordinary for them. The article states, " Cuba, like most of the Caribbean, is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, regularly hit by natural hazards." These families pictured above have children with no shelter because of the horrific damage of a hurricane. Most of Cuba's natural disasters are either hurricanes or tropical storms. In 2017 Cuba was hit by Hurricane Irma. Weather outlets recorded winds of up to 250km/h. In the span of the Hurricane, it caused 10 casualties and more than 14,000 homes being destroyed, such as the picture shown above. Many families are left to fend for themselves. Their lives completely flipped in a matter of days. I could not imagine how difficult it must be to keep on rebuilding and losing repeatedly. These Hurricanes occur because of the positioning of Cuba, its location is prone to natural disasters. Thes...