Many people have or may not have felt a earthquake in their lifetime. Earthquakes occur when faults break, which causes displacement on the Earth. Three different variations of faults can occur. We know this because of the direction they have moved. One of the faults is called a "Reverse Fault", this causes the block above the fault to lift due to compression. Another fault is a "Normal Fault", this causes the block above the fault to sink, exposing a Fault Plane on the surface of Earth. Another fault is the "Strike-slip Fault", that causes a vertical fracture on the earth resulting in the ground moving horizontally. Cuba is positioned among several active fault systems, resulting in typically two thousand earthquakes annually. Most of these earthquakes are ignored, although the island has faced numerous destructive earthquakes up to magnitudes of 7.0 or higher. I believe that because Cuba is not "seen" they cannot get the help they need in devastating times like this. Cuba is undoubtedly in a seismically prone area, with a long record of high-magnitude quakes. The southeast region of Cuba is believed to be the epicenter of most earthquakes in Cuba. 

    Mitigation is significant in life-or-death situations such as an earthquake. An individual must react calmly yet swiftly to allow themselves maximum security against the quake. People need to know how to react when uncontrollable dangers appear because it could save their and other people's lives. The first step would be to identify the hazard to visualize how you will face the situation. Another form of mitigation could be making earthquake-safe buildings that are meant to protect against natural hazards. Providing education on how to deal with situations like these is also very helpful because it helps build confidence and security in life-threatening events. 

USACE HQ on X: "What is Earthquake Mitigation? Earthquake mitigation is any  action taken to reduce damages or losses to your business, employees,  building, and building contents should an earthquake occur.  https://t.co/3q57WuUw3c

Sources Cited

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b81nXSVA34 

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_earthquakes_in_Cuba#:~:text=Cuba%20is%20located%20in%20an,2000%20seismic%20events%20each%20year. 

- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.calacademy.org%2Fexplore-science%2Fanatomy-of-an-earthquake&psig=AOvVaw3Jc9D0ususChhXd4PcD8Gy&ust=1725770719970000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCJDS74eDsIgDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ 

-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJDnfT1pqhQ 

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrrLJ4vXHCs

- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1068797107001095#:~:text=The%20seismotectonic%20map%20of%20Cuba,seismotectonic%20units%20in%20this%20region. 

- https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/can-we-cause-earthquakes-there-any-way-prevent-earthquakes#:~:text=We%20cannot%20prevent%20natural%20earthquakes,risk%20from%20human%20induced%20earthquakes.


  1. Its amazing to see how Cuba and morocco have similar safety pro cations for earthquakes also similar to Morocco is that not everywhere in Cuba gets earthquakes only certain spots.


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